
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pope Benedict Names Bishop Aquila of Fargo as New Archbishop of Denver

Pope Benedict XVI today named Bishop Samuel J. Aquila of Fargo, N.D., to be the new Archbishop of Denver. A priest of the Archdiocese of Denver before he was assigned to Fargo, Aquila is a strong, orthodox churchman and his appointment, along with appointments in New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, signals a blessed change from the days of Bernardin, Mahony and McCarrick.

Archbishop-designate Aquila is known for his love for the priesthood, a passion for pro-life advocacy, and a heart for youth.  This is another appointment that will inspire and encourage the surge in priestly vocations and the New Evangelization in the United States.  Thank you, Holy Father.  Deo Gratias!

In the following video, Bishop Aquila reflects on the World Youth Day held in Denver in 1993.

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