
Monday, June 11, 2012

Father Aidan Nichols: The Future of the Church in England

Father Ray Blake's Blog has posted an important and interesting talk that prominent theologian, Father Aidan Nichols, O.P., has given on the Future of the Church in England. His comments on schools, family, religious life and liturgy are relevant to the universal Church.

Father Nichols is the John Paul II Memorial Visiting Lecturer, University of Oxford; has served as the Robert Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture, Providence College; and is a Fellow of Greyfriars, Oxford. He has also served as the Prior of the Dominicans at St. Michael's Priory, Cambridge. Father Nichols is the author of numerous books including Looking at the Liturgy, Holy Eucharist, Hopkins: Theologian's Poet, and The Thought of Benedict XVI. His study of the Old Testament, Lovely Like Jerusalem: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ and the Church, was recently published by Ignatius Press.

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