
Thursday, July 12, 2012

From Our Mail: Senate Committee Considers Subjecting US Parents to UN Oversight


I wanted to alert you quickly to a hearing that is happening TODAY before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that is deeply concerning.  
This Senate committee will be holding a hearing to discuss possible ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Translation: Elected members of our government will be discussing a United Nations treaty that, if ratified, will tell us how we should parent our disabled children.  

It is astounding that in America we may be subject to UN oversight on how we should care for our special needs kids.  Many of you know about our four year-old daughter Bella -- our joyful and loving special needs little girl -- and why this issue is something Karen and I are very personally passionate about. 

Please contact your Senator today by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and urge him or her to vote against ratification if this were to come before the Senate. 

I'll be in touch again soon to update you on what happened at the hearing and what action we'll need to take next.

All my best,
Rick Santorum

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