
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses, Government Documents Show

Alan Keyes has summed up the 2012 presidential election as "a choice between Satan and Beelzebub."  Were Christians to choose between these two evils, would we differ morally from either the communist intent on destroying America, or the hollow, culture of death profiteer?

By David Corn 

Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Coming during the heat of the GOP primaries, as Romney tried to sell South Carolina Republicans on his pro-life bona fides, the revelation had the potential to damage the candidate's reputation among values voters already suspicious of his shifting position on abortion.

Read the rest of this entry at Mother Jones >>

1 comment:

  1. If this is true, the neos will fall back on 'well, this was before his pro-life conversion.'

    It's so disgusting, this guy is at best 5% better than Obama. I'm sick of 'vote for whoever sucks less.'
