
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Charlotte Cathedral to Host Eucharistic Vigil for Liberty During Democratic National Convention

The Cathedral of St. Patrick, Diocese of Charlotte
The cathedral church of the Diocese of Charlotte is hosting a continuous Eucharistic vigil for liberty during the Democratic National Convention, which will take place in Charlotte from September 3-6. 

“This time of adoration and prayer will focus on petitions for our country, our leaders, and ourselves in atonement for our sins and for the future of our nation,” according to an event announcement. “Among these petitions are the right to live, unthreatened by government mandate, from natural conception to natural death, and for the freedom of conscience and the unhindered worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“We will also ask our Lord for an increase in holy vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life within the Diocese of Charlotte and the wider world.”

In 2004, Bishop Peter Jugis decreed that Catholic politicians who supported abortion would not be permitted to receive Holy Communion in the diocese.

“By supporting pro-abortion legislation they participate in manifest grave sin, a condition which excludes them from admission to Holy Communion as long as they persist in the pro-abortion stance (cf. Canon 915),” he and two other bishops stated.

“We declare that Catholics serving in public life espousing positions contrary to the teaching of the Church on the sanctity and inviolability of human life, especially those running for or elected to public office, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion in any Catholic church within our jurisdictions,” they continued.

“Only after reconciliation with the Church has occurred, with the knowledge and consent of the local bishop, and public disavowal of former support for procured abortion, will the individual be permitted to approach the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.” 

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