
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Team Romney Forced ‘Undemocratic Rules’ to Disenfranchise Pro-Life Republicans, Rush Says

TAMPA, August 31, 2012, ( – While political observers watched Rick Santorum, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio, the Republican National Committee pushed through new rules that could change the face of the party for some time – including one rule that Rush Limbaugh said was designed to freeze pro-life Christians out of the GOP. 

Under rules proposed by election lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who said he was acting on behalf of the Romney campaign, the presidential candidate who wins a state primary would get to select all state delegates to the convention and “disavow” anyone who meets his disapproval. The delegates, in turn, draw up the platform and formally nominate candidates. 

The new code was opposed by the Family Research Center, Leadership Institute founder Morton Blackwell, and attorney James Bopp, who helped draw up the original pro-life plank in 1980. 
House Speaker John Boehner presided over the voice vote on the rule, which appeared to have an even number of yes and no votes. 

The controversy deepened after a video showed a teleprompter with a prerecorded message that the change had been approved, leading to speculation the vote was fixed.

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