
Monday, October 1, 2012

A Great New Website Dedicated to Venerable Fulton Sheen

A wonderful Canadian gentleman by the name of Al Smith, who calls himself a "Porter" in the "School of Sheen," has created an audio and video treasure trove of a website dedicated to Venerable Fulton Sheen. Mr. Smith, whose father came to the Faith through the influence of Archbishop Sheen and James Cardinal McGuigan of Toronto, sponsors Sheen radio broadcasts in two metropolitan centers - Toronto and Kitchener / Waterloo.  His website - Bishop Sheen Today - A Man for All Times - is "designed to help introduce Bishop Sheen to a new generation of listeners and viewers." 

The website includes a Sheen biography, scores of Sheen retreats and reflections, videos from his TV programs of the 1950's and 60's,  a listing of 66 books by the Archbishop, and many other booklets, pamphlets and "Catholic Hour" publications authored by that greatest of communicators.

How the Church needs bishops like the great Fulton Sheen -- and more dedicated laymen like Al Smith.  We have no doubt that once you explore Mr. Smith's website, truly a work of love, you will want to spend many hours in the "School of Sheen."

Prayer for Canonization
Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people.

If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
© Archbishop Sheen Foundation

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