
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brooklyn Bishop says Catholic Vote for Obama ‘Stretches the Imagination’

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio
In the latest in a series of diocesan newspaper columns on the upcoming election, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn lamented the Obama-Biden campaign’s emphasis on abortion and contraception. 

“The reality is that we as a Church have failed to teach the truths of the faith in a clear and convincing manner to the Catholic faithful,” he wrote. “However, the issue is not what we as a Church believe but whether or not we ought to be obligated to act in a manner contrary to our own belief.” 

Bishop DiMarzio added:
It is inconceivable to me how Catholics could support such policies. Indeed, Roman Catholics who support abortion rights and vote for a candidate because of those policies, place him/herself outside of the life of the Church. In so doing, they also place themselves in moral danger.

Is it possible to vote for somebody despite their support for these policies? To my mind, it stretches the imagination, especially when there is another option. The dignity and sanctity of human life are the foundational values upon which all other policies are built. Concern for the poor, the stranger in our midst, they are all predicated upon our belief in the dignity and sanctity of human life.
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