
Monday, October 1, 2012

Grassfire Nation Petitions for Congressional Investigation of Obama's Libyan Cover-Up

It didn't take long for the American people to figure out that the deadly September 11 attack on our consulate in Libya was a blatant terrorist act. Yet despite mounting evidence - including reports that the U.S. State Department had prior knowledge of a coordinated attack by Muslim militants, and our Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has called it a terror act, our president still has not publicly acknowledged the truth that everyone else already knows.

By refusing to publicly acknowledge this deadly act as terrorism, is Obama engaged in some kind of cover-up? Is he attempting to mislead the American people in order to gain favor in the Muslim world? What is he trying to hide?

The American people have questions and are demanding answers!

Grassfire Nation has launched a national petition giving citizens a platform to demand Congress fully investigate what Obama and his administration knew prior to and shortly after the terrorist attacks in Libya. Why is the president unwilling to condemn these attacks as terrorism? Did the White House withhold information about the attacks as a means of covering up the truth about what really led to the murders of four Americans?

Grassfire is rapidly mobilizing 50,000 citizen petitions that will be hand-delivered to the U.S. State Department, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee and key members of Congress all demanding a full and thorough investigation.

Petition States:

As an American citizen I am demanding Congress thoroughly investigate the deadly terror attack on our Libyan consulate and fully answer the mounting questions surrounding the attacks including our President's refusal to publicly acknowledge what happened in Libya as a terrorist act by Muslim militants. Is there a cover-up? Is this administration withholding information as a means of covering up the truth about what really led to the murders of four Americans.

I cannot demand answers from the Obama administration, but you can, and I'm urging you to bring the truth to light.

Please go here to sign this important petition.

1 comment:

  1. Mitt should give obama a lapel pin of the american flag tonight..and ask him to put it on during the debates...seems he does'nt have one...or maybe he does'nt WANT to wear one
