
Friday, December 14, 2012

Obama Moving To Criminalize Criticism Of Islam

From The Western Center for Journalism
By Chris Zane

The whole “conspiracy theory” of the Obama administration being infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, purging government documents critical of Islam, and seeking to criminalize the criticism of Islam is just that—a conspiracy theory—isn’t it?

Sadly, it isn’t.

If you simply pull back the curtain and look at what Obama has been doing in plain sight—inviting groups convicted of terrorism into the White House, having Muslim Brotherhood members within the State Department, purging training materials of anything critical of Islam–you would find that this whole “conspiracy theory” goes by another term: the truth.

How America got to this point and whether we can return to that Shining City on a Hill instead of on our way to the trash heap of history remains to be seen.

I have a feeling the American people, as they have done in the past, will rise up and take back this country…

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