
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pat Buchanan Picked as 'Man of the Year' by WorldNetDaily

We commend and thank WorldNetDaily for their recognition of Patrick J. Buchanan as their 2012 Man of the Year.  

Pat Buchanan has indeed been steadfast in his "commitment to principle."  He reminds us of something the great Venerable Fulton Sheen frequently said:  "Right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong."  Pat Buchanan has been consistently right when much of America has been wrong.  He has seen the fast approaching storms and warned us all of a disastrous course.  Like Horatius at the Bridge, the day may yet come when Americans recognize what a prophet we have had among us and turn to this good and gifted man to save us from ourselves. In the meantime, we join WorldNetDaily in thanking Pat Buchanan for courageous loyalty to his church, to his country, and to the truth he was taught in a far, far better time in America.

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