
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Abbey Roads on Euthanasia in Belgium

The following post is from one of our favorite blogs, Abbey Roads, written by Terry Nelson.  Mr. Nelson writes with humor, pathos, wisdom and a heart and mind very close to our Lord and His Church.  This is his post on a recent, tragic story from Belgium:

Deaf and dumb... a very sad story.

The story is unbelievable.

If it is true, then it is very sad, and very scary.  These poor men must not have understood that they have a soul, and that God exists, and that he loves them:  That what is invisible is important... eye has not seen, ear has not heard... 
Identical twins have been killed by Belgian doctors in a unique case under the country's euthanasia laws.

The 45-year-old brothers from the Antwerp region were born deaf and sought euthanasia after finding that they would also soon go blind. They told doctors they were unable to bear the thought of not being able to see each other again.
The twins, who have not been named but have been pictured on Belgian TV, had spent their entire lives together, sharing a flat and working as cobblers.

Belgium's 'Het Laatste Nieuws' newspaper reported at the weekend that doctors at Brussels University Hospital in Jette "euthanised" the two men by lethal injection last month.
Under Belgian law, euthanasia is allowed if those wishing to end their lives are able to make their wishes clear and a doctor judges that they are suffering unbearable pain.
David Dufour, the doctor who presided over the euthanasia, said the twins had died together and had taken the decision in "full conscience".

"They were very happy. It was a relief to see the end of their suffering... - Source
Blood and water flowing from the side of Christ as a font of mercy for us, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.

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