
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Landmark Victory For British Airways Employee Over Right To Wear A Cross At Work

Airline check-in operator wins appeal at European court but three similar cases fail, as other rights trump faith

BA worker feels Christians are vindicated by cross ruling – video Link to video: BA worker feels Christians are vindicated by cross ruling

After seven years of legal appeals and accusations that Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs, the European court of human rights has ruled that a British Airways check-in operator should not have been prevented from wearing a cross at work.

Nadia Eweida, 60, was jubilant over her landmark victory, declaring it a "vindication" for Christians, after the court awarded her €2,000 (£1,600) in compensation for the "anxiety, frustration and distress" she endured.

While the finely tuned judicial compromise does not establish an absolute right for every employee to wear a crucifix, or religious symbol, visibly at work, it will help define the limits of religious freedom.

Read the rest of this entry at The Guardian >> 

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