
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Obama Lied, Americans Died

Part 2 of Western Journalism’s video series on the Obama Administration’s and Senate’s Report on the attack on the Benghazi consulate. Click here for Part 1.

The Obama Administration’s “Benghazi Accountability Report” was a sham that didn’t actually answer any questions; didn’t address why four Americans were left to die; didn’t address the entire “protest turned violent” over an anti-Muslim video lie, or where exactly Obama supposedly got this information; and, despite the term “accountability” in the report, didn’t actually hold anyone accountable.

The Senate’s Report, “Flashing Red: A Special Report on the Terrorist Attack at Benghazi,” shows that there was no evidence of a “protest turned violent” over an anti-Muslim video; shows that Obama left Americans to die while he twiddled his thumbs; and actually answers many questions regarding exactly what occurred on September 11.

But it doesn’t go far enough.

Congressman Frank R. Wolf, along with over twenty-five co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, have introduced House Resolution 824 to create a Special Committee to conduct a real investigation into the attack on the Benghazi consulate in order to find out what really happened in Benghazi and what  Barack Hussein Obama is hiding.

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