
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Al Jazeera Hires K Street to Lobby Congress

By Cliff Kincaid

Apparently on the defensive over its unorthodox entry into the U.S. media market, Al Jazeera has hired a high-powered lobbying firm on Capitol Hill to stave off an investigation of the curious transaction with former Democratic Vice President Al Gore. 

The firm, DLA Piper, represented Al Jazeera in the acquisition of Gore’s Current TV, has an office in Qatar, which owns Al Jazeera, and is also active in the “Islamic financial services industry” in the Middle East. 

“Al Jazeera America is assembling a K Street team to advocate for its cable news channel,” reports The Hill. Current TV was purchased from Gore and other prominent Democrats, including Richard C. Blum, husband of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein. Gore reportedly got $100 million out of the $500 million deal.

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1 comment:

  1. I just read your 28 Dec.2012 Pat Buchanan post: Why the War Party is Afraid of Chuck Hagel as Sec. of Defence. Pat is so right. Fox News is a Real Porpoganda Network.I've really had it with them. When it comes to Israel they simply don't tell the truth.This may be the last time I listen to one man in particular on that Network. He can't be this ill informed so the truth is he lies.His initials,SH.
