
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Could an American be the Next Pope?

Perhaps the archbishop of New York. Or that of Boston. In the footsteps of Benedict XVI, moreover with the lash against mismanagement in hand. But the curia is resisting and counterattacking, bringing forward a Brazilian cardinal in its trust

By Sandro Magister

Timothy Cardinal Dolan

ROME, March 7, 2013 – The easiest bet is that the next pope will not be Italian. But not European, African, or Asian ether. For the first time in the bimillennial history of the Church, the successor of Peter could come from the Americas. Or to hazard a more targeted prediction: from the Big Apple.

Timothy Michael Dolan, archbishop of New York, 63, is a larger-than-life man from the Midwest with a radiant smile and overflowing vigor, precisely that “vigor of both body and mind” which Joseph Ratzinger recognized he had lost and defined as necessary for his successor, for the sake of properly “governing the barque of Peter and proclaiming the Gospel.”

In Benedict XVI's act of resignation there was found already the title of the program of the future pope. And many cardinals were quickly reminded of the visionary vivacity with which Dolan developed precisely this theme, with his “primordial” Italian, his words, but scintillating, at the consistory one year ago, when he himself, the archbishop of New York, was preparing to receive the scarlet:

Read more at Chiesa News >>

1 comment:

  1. Please read Vatican Insider,6 Mar. 2013,'Cardinal Rai, 'The Conclave From A Middle Eastern Perspective' .
