
Monday, March 18, 2013

FreedomWorks Reveals the 2013 Recipients of the “FreedomFighter Award”

Former SC Senator Jim DeMint and Congressmen Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney among those honored

Congressmen Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney
FreedomWorks announced its second annual “FreedomFighter Awards” to Members of the House and Senate who consistently voted in defense of economic freedom. Each recipient earned a minimum score of 90 percent on the FreedomWorks Congressional Scorecard during the 2012 legislative session, which often required legislators to cast politically unpopular votes inside the Beltway in order to defend liberty and strengthen the economy across the country.

FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe commented, “Our responsibility as engaged citizens is to hold politicians accountable for bad votes, but also to congratulate them for making the right votes.  FreedomWorks applauds every recipient of the second annual ‘FreedomFighter Award,’ and encourages them to keep fighting for Americans’ civil liberties.”

The FreedomWorks Congressional Scorecard is a ground-breaking piece of technology that has drawn an abundance of national media attention.  The user-friendly technology allows activists the ability to track the votes of Members of Congress in ‘real time’ on key issues of economic freedom. Users have the option to search for their lawmakers’ scores by zip code, or to browse each year’s scores by name, state, political party, or score rankings.  

“Democrats and Republicans are mutually responsible for America’s exploding national debt and the staggering unemployment rates in the US. It’s time we start holding all members accountable,” Kibbe continued. “FreedomWorks developed its Congressional Scorecard to help activists across the country track the legislation being voted on in Congress and to see which members protect the liberties and economic interests of the American people and which ones do not.”

The premier scorers (with scores of 100 percent) among this year’s “FreedomFighter Award” winners are: Senators Jim DeMint (SC), Mike Lee (UT) and Rand Paul (KY); and Congressmen Justin Amash (MI-3), Paul Broun (GA-10), Jeff Duncan (SC-3), Jeff Flake (AZ-6), Tim Huelskamp (KS-1), Tom McClintock (CA-4), Mick Mulvaney (SC-5), and David Schweikert (AZ-5).    

Other winners are: Senators Michael Crapo (ID), Ron Johnson (WI), James Risch (ID), David Vitter (LA); and Congresswoman Diane Black (TN-6), Congressmen Michael Burgess (TX-26), Steve Chabot (OH-1), Jason Chaffetz (UT-3), Stephen Fincher (TN-8), Trent Franks (AZ-2), Scott Garrett (NJ-5), Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Paul Gosar (AZ-1), Trey Gowdy (SC-4), Tom Graves (GA-9), Jim Jordan (OH-4), Raul Labrador (ID-1), Doug Lamborn (CO-5), Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Mike Pompeo (KS-4), Tom Price (GA-6), Ben Quayle (AZ-3), Tim Scott (SC-1), James Sensenbrenner (WI-5), Joe Walsh (IL-8), Lynn Westmoreland (GA-3).     

FreedomWorks is a grassroots service center to a community of over 4 million grassroots activists nationwide who believe in individual liberty and constitutionally-limited government.

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