
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mother of Slain Benghazi Officer to Hannity: "They Want Me To Shut Up"

On Friday, Sean Hannity brought Pat Smith, mother of the late Sean Smith, on his radio program. The 34-year-old information management officer was one of four Americans murdered in the Benghazi embassy attack on September 11, 2012. 

In the chilling interview, a distraught Ms. Smith, in tears, pleaded for answers and spoke of the efforts to silence her. 

Ms. Smith first relayed how her son, prior to the attack, requested additional security in advance and warned the State Department:
He did tell them, ahead of time, he typed it into his little typewriter over there, that they were going to be attacked, ‘please they needed more security,’ and they were ignored. And I don’t appreciate everybody going to bed and going to sleep and not taking care of the guys that they put in harm’s way, one of them being my son.
[Ms. Smith is likely referring to reports that President Obama went back to bed after learning of the attack on the compound.]

When Hannity asked how many times Sean warned the State Department or whom he warned, Smith replied:
My son himself told me that he warned them…. He said: ‘I told them, I sent messages’…. He was on the tele-type of whatever it is… he was on there telling them, just before it happened, and that the guy out there was taking pictures of the place. He was telling them that. He was a communications guy and he was communicating that.
Smith then spoke of the intimidation she has experienced, in her quest for answers, noting she is being silenced, though Hannity clarified it is not by someone in the government:
They don’t tell me much. They want me to shut up…. I was told, and I really would rather not say by who, [though] I can if you need it, but I was told that I’m causing a lot of problems and to shut up…. I told them ‘I will not! I will not shut up until I find out what really happened!’

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