
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More Royal Designations Restored in Canada

Queen Elizabeth inspects the Canadian Forces Ceremonial Guard with the parliament building as a backdrop during the Canada Day celebrations in 2010.

Canada has restored the "Royal" designation for five of the country's Army corps.  As we reported several years ago, our friend and fellow blogger, Gregory Benton, along with Michael Smith led a successful campaign to restore the prefix "Royal" to Canada's Navy and Air Force.  Their national campaign received support from the Office of the Prime Minister.  These latest restorations of historical names, however, came from soldiers and officers within the Army itself.

The announcement of the restoration of historical names for Canadian Army corps on 19 April 2013 was the next logical step in the phased approach begun in August 2011, when the historical name of the Canadian Army was restored, along with the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force.
It is quite apparent that our victorious campaign is still paying huge dividends in terms of the continuing impact it will have on all other regiments and corps that unfortunately lost their identity back in the 1960s because of the misguided attempt to purge ourselves of our British (i.e., Canadian) heritage and traditions.
It is especially gratifying that these most recent changes were requested by soldiers and officers in the army itself. The earlier restorations have created a natural momentum for other reinstatements, and it is only fair that if others are going to get back their identity, the same be afforded to all.
“Our country continues to ask a great deal of our soldiers. Our government is committed to honouring their actions, heritage and sacrifices,” said Minister MacKay. “Restoring these historic identities is an important way of reconnecting today’s men and women in uniform with the proud history and traditions they carry with them as members of the Canadian Army.”
The historical designations of the following corps have been restored:
  • Royal Canadian Armoured Corps;
  • The Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers;
  • Royal Canadian Corps of Signals;
  • Royal Canadian Infantry Corps; and
  • The Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
These and other heritage changes are being phased in over the next year as Canada and its military prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War and the 75th anniversary of the Second World War.
For more background information on these restorations, you can find it here.

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