
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Greenville Republicans Present Motion to Censure SC GOP Chairman Chad Connelly

"Following the convention Chad Connelly called his opposition “borderline anarchist” and “hardline libertarians” in the GreenvilleNews. This did not sit well with loyal Republicans and Tea Party activists."
Last night there was a motion presented to censure the SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly and Rep. Alan Clemmons at the Greenville GOP executive committee meeting.
chad-connelly-censureRepublican state delegates from Greenville County voiced their frustration regarding the way they were treated during the recent state convention. This frustration was brought to a head during the executive committee meeting last night. The grievances are listed in the motion below.

The Greenville County Chairman Betty Poe voiced her frustration citing the attempt to remove her from the floor by force, turning off microphones to silence state delegates, and ignoring the Robert’s Rules during the state convention.

Read more at The Greenville Post >>

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