
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lindsey Graham Fails to Understand the US Constitution

Graham’s opponent, Richard Cash, states Snowden had a duty to expose NSA scandal

ANDERSON, SC - Senator Graham’s perspective regarding the unconstitutional behavior of the US Government in searching through the phone records of US citizens is off base. Senator Graham has stated he is “glad” that the Obama administration has undertaken massive spying on American citizens.

Richard Cash
In contrast, South Carolina businessman Richard Cash, Graham’s only declared primary opponent, asks, “How would you feel if a government agent showed up at your home once a month and asked to study your phone bill to see who you have been talking to and how often and for how long? In light of the fourth amendment and the lack of probable cause, it is clearly unconstitutional on the face of it.”

To make matters worse, Senator Graham thinks the wrongdoer is not the government, but the whistle blower. Senator Graham has stated, “I view Mr. Snowdens’ actions not as one of patriotism, but potentially a felony. I hope we follow him to the ends of the earth to bring him to justice.”

According to Cash, those comments are uncalled for and a distraction from the constitutional issue at hand. Cash stated, “Senator Graham has shown little regard for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The government has overstepped its bounds by targeting law abiding citizens.”

Cash went on to say, “Senator Graham’s comments are over the top. Perhaps a whistle blower such as Mr. Snowden is simply doing his duty and trying to uphold the Constitution. The central issue remains, however, the illegal government operation that led to this embarrassing revelation.”

Richard is a graduate of Furman University with a degree in Economics and Business Administration.  He has worked professionally as a computer programmer and analyst, served full time as a pro-life missionary, and volunteered as a youth coach and athletic director.  He is the founder and owner of two small businesses, which he has operated for the past 14 years.  Richard and Marcia have been married for 28 years.  In 2010, Richard ran for US Congress in the third district.  After winning the primary over a field of 6 candidates, he narrowly lost a runoff to Rep. Jeff Duncan.

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