
Monday, July 15, 2013

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist Record Debut Album

What power, joy and appeal there is when a religious community lives its vocation totally, in faithful, orthodox service to God, His Church and the People of God. 

 The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist were founded in 1997 with 4 Sisters.  They now number more than 115, with an average age of 28.  Their beautiful, joyful charism attracted the attention of the Oprah program, which featured them twice.  The counter-cultural lives of these young Sisters and the dynamic growth of their community have also been featured on the Today Show, along with many  stories in the US and Canadian media through outlets such as The New York Times, The Detroit Free Press, The Washington Post, CNN, Fox News and beyond.  More recently, three Sisters were contestants on the Game Channel's American Bible Challenge.  Now they have recorded a beautiful album of sacred music, Mater Eucharistiae, which can be pre-ordered here.

The following video offers a look at the lives of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist and the making of their debut album - beautiful, sacred music overflowing with love and evangelical zeal like the Sisters who created it.

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