
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Andrew Roberts: A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (Since 1900)

In 1900, where Churchill ended the fourth volume of his History of the English-Speaking Peoples, the United States had not yet emerged onto the world scene as a great power. Meanwhile, the British Empire was in decline but did not yet know it. Any number of other powers might have won primacy in the 20th Century and beyond, including Germany, Russia, possibly even France. Yet the coming century was to belong to the English-speaking peoples, who successively and successfully fought the Kaiser's Germany, Axis aggression and Soviet Communism, and who are now struggling against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.

British historian and biographer Andrew Roberts examines what made the English-speaking people the preeminent political culture since 1900, and how they have defended their primacy from the many assaults upon them. What connects those countries where the majority of the population speaks English as a first language - the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies and Ireland - is far greater than what separates them. The development of their history since 1900 has been a phenomenal success story. It is an especially valuable story to understand as the United States today looks to other parts of the English-speaking world as its best, closest and most dependable allies.

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