
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oath Keepers Establishing Rotating Honor Guard to Ensure WWII Veterans’ Access to Their Memorial

We thank God for the growing national resistance to tyranny and our nation's domestic enemies.  Oath Keepers has truly been in the vanguard of citizen patriots ready to defy the anti-American thugs of the Obama regime, a cabal of domestic enemies that is determined to destroy our constitutional republic.  Oath Keepers has now committed to protecting what belongs to the American people until that day when we again have a "government of the people, by the people, for the people".
Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
Government of the people, by the people, for the people,

To be part of this noble resistance movement, see the Oath Keepers website. 

From Oath Keepers:
First Honor Guard Shift: 

Wed., October 16 to Sunday, October 20

Every Day, Dawn till Dusk (you pick the day(s) you can serve)

World War II Memorial, Washington D.C. (and other D.C. area war memorials, if we have enough volunteers)

In yet another intolerable act, the Obama Administration has ordered the barricades back up at the World War II memorial, even after angry veterans, Oath Keepers, and dedicated citizens tore down the barricades at the World War II memorial on Sunday, and dumped them at the White House gates.

Clearly, Obama thinks that what happened over the weekend was a mere flash in the pan, and now he can get back to his perverse, calculated, vindictive insult to our WWII veterans, by yet again shutting down their memorial.  We need to prove him wrong.

On Sunday, the veterans made sure the Memorial was open to the WWII vets, and many Oath Keepers were there, directly helping.  There were no Honor Flights on Monday, and on Tuesday there will be another mass protest by The Military Coalition, so, they have Tuesday covered.  But our concern is that on Wednesday, and thereafter, when the crowds and cameras are gone, the barricades will go back up yet again, as they did today.   There are Honor Flights scheduled for everyday this week, and those WWII veterans need to be guaranteed access too.

Therefore, starting Wednesday, October 16, Oath Keepers is establishing a rotating “Honor Guard” of volunteer veterans and concerned Americans at the WWII Memorial, to ensure that WWII vets can get in to pay their respects to their fallen brothers in arms.   They risked all, in combat, to stop arbitrary, oppressive governments over there.  We need to step up and keep them from being victimized by arbitrary, oppressive government here.  Let’s get it done!

Oath Keepers will take the first shift of this rotating standing Honor Guard, from dawn to dusk each day, from Wednesday, October 16, through Sunday, October 20.  All veterans, and all concerned Americans, are invited to join us in this vigil.

We also call on other veterans groups to commit to taking the next shift, starting Monday morning, October 21, so we can maintain an unbroken Honor Guard, dawn till dusk, for as long as this Shutdown lasts.   Please contact us if you are part of a veterans group that can take over on Monday, or thereafter, and please put “Group Volunteering to Take Over Honor Guard,” in subject line.

Ready to Stand in the Door One Last Time, at Age 90
World War II Airborne combat veteran Warenn (Renn) Bodeker, from Plains, Montana, will be leading the Oath Keepers standing guard Wednesday at the WWII Memorial.

On February 23, 1945, Renn, along with his brother paratroopers of Co. B, 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, parachuted in at dawn’s early light, 40 kilometers behind enemy lines, into the Los Banos prison camp and rescued 2,100  prisoners of war – men, women, and children – from their brutal Imperial Japanese guards, before those guards could slaughter them, as they had planned (read more about Renn, and that daring rescue, here).

Now Renn will be making one last “jump” behind enemy lines, this time into Washington D.C., with bolt-cutters in hand, to make sure his brother WWII veterans can continue to get into their memorial.
WWII Heroes Getting Ready to Jump in Behind Enemy Lines.  Time for One More Jump!

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