
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oath Keepers Remove Barricades from WWII Memorial on Last Day of "Shutdown"


In keeping with our solemn obligation to preserve the liberty that our World War II heroes fought for, Oath Keepers posted an Honor Guard at the WWII Memorial, beginning on Wednesday morning, October 16, led by 91 year old WWII Army Airborne combat veteran Renn Bodeker, to ensure that the Memorial remained open and accessible to the WWII veterans on Honor Flights, and open to the public, for the duration of the absurd “shutdown” of the Memorial (which made no sense at an open-air memorial made of concrete and stone).

Our concern was that in between large demonstrations, there was a risk that WWII veterans would be denied access.  We made sure that didn’t happen.

WWII veteran Renn Bodeker flew in from Montana on Wednesday morning and promptly led the Oath Keeper Honor Guard in dismantling the silly ‘Barrycades’ and carrying them across the street, where they were left on the grass on the other side, in front of the Washington Memorial.  People were already ignoring the barricades and walking around them to enter the Memorial, but Renn found the presence of barricades around the WWII Memorial so offensive and absurd that he couldn’t stand to see them up.  So, they came down!

WWII Airborne Hero Renn Bodeker Leads the Way in dismantling the “Barrycades,” Assisted by Navy SEAL Veterans Ben Smith and Shannon Rusch, and Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes

Read more at Oath Keepers >>


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