
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Republicans Who Caved to Obama and Gave Democrats Everything They Wanted

The following is a list of unprincipled House Republicans In Name Only (RINOs), whores and quislings all, who betrayed GOP principles, refused to defend the Constitution, failed to stand for fiscal sanity and as Senator Chuck Schumer gloated, gave the Democrats everything they wanted in exchange for "a fig leaf".  Is it any wonder that a mere 13% of the American public believes the nation is headed in the right direction?

If it is not too late to salvage the Republican Party, which in much of the country seems to be overrun with traitors like these, every one of these RINO's should be primaried.  

Like Churchill warning his countrymen of a reality they chose to ignore until reality was brutally forced upon them, one leader stood out - Senator Ted Cruz.  Perhaps, like Churchill and President Reagan, he can forge a new consensus, moor his party to the sound, common-sense views most Americans share, and in so doing, restore the United States Constitution, American freedoms, prosperity and greatness.  If not, there is an enormous void waiting to be filled by a conservative, principled political party that will do so. 

Spencer Bachus
Lou Barletta
Dan Benishek
Gus Bilirakis
John Boehner
Charles Boustany
Susan Brooks
Vern Buchanan
Ken Calvert
Dave Camp
Eric Cantor
Shelley Moore Capito
Howard Coble

Mike Coffman
Tom Cole
Paul Cook
Tom Cotton
Kevin Cramer
Rick Crawford
Ander Crenshaw
Steve Daines
Charlie Dent
Mario Diaz-Balart
Mike Fitzpatrick
Jeff Fortenberry
Rodney Frelinghuysen
Cory Gardner
Jim Gerlach
Chris Gibson
Tim Griffin
Michael Grimm
Brett Guthrie
Richard Hanna
Gregg Harper
Doc Hastings
Joe Heck
Jaime Herrera Beutler
Darrell Issa
Lynn Jenkins
David Joyce
Mike Kelly
Peter King
Adam Kinzinger
John Kline
Leonard Lance
Tom Latham
Frank LoBiondo
Kevin McCarthy
Patrick McHenry
Buck McKeon
David McKinley
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Pat Meehan
Gary Miller
Tim Murphy
Devin Nunes
Erik Paulsen
Robert Pittenger
Dave Reichert
Reid Ribble
Scott Rigell
Hal Rogers
Mike Rogers
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Peter Roskam
Jon Runyan
Aaron Schock
John Shimkus
Bill Shuster
Mike Simpson
Adrian Smith
Chris Smith
Steve Stivers
Lee Terry
Glenn Thompson
Pat Tiberi
Scott Tipton
Fred Upton
David Valadao
Daniel Webster
Ed Whitfield
Rob Wittman
Frank Wolf
Steve Womack
Don Young
Todd Young

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