
Friday, October 25, 2013

US Spying: Britain Forced to Sign EU Statement Expressing 'Deep Concern'

Britain signs EU statement that is critical of US spying on European governments 

David Cameron has been forced to sign a European Union statement expressing "deep concern" over American, or any other country's, intelligence activities that undermine trust between Europe's governments.  Photo: REX FEATURES

Britain has been forced to sign a European Union statement expressing "deep concern" over American, or any other country's, intelligence activities that undermine trust between Europe's governments. 

Following tense talks on the conduct of intelligence operations, including accusations that Britain was spying on Italy, David Cameron was forced by 27 other European leaders to sign the common EU statement in the early hours of this morning. 

"Heads of state or government discussed recent developments concerning possible intelligence issues and the deep concerns that these events have raised among European citizens," the statement said.

Read more at The Telegraph >> 

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