
Friday, November 15, 2013

Common Core Concerns Brought to Bishops' Meeting

From Our Mail . . .

Dear Friends,

Only a week this amazing could end with another shocker on Common Core!

You'll recall that last week, The Cardinal Newman Society uncovered a large grant to the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—more than $100,000 for teacher training on the controversial Common Core school standards.

Now the NCEA has issued a public statement defending its position and calling out other Catholic groups—including the Archdiocese of Seattle—for accepting Gates Foundation money!

Apparently our report on the NCEA grant, our survey of top Catholic high school principals about Common Core, and my EWTN interview are getting widespread attention—even from the U.S. bishops who gathered for their annual meeting in Baltimore. It was there that the bishops' advisory board encouraged them to review the NCEA's advocacy of Common Core and renew attention to Ex corde Ecclesiae in our Catholic colleges.

Meanwhile, together with the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS) and the Catholic Education Foundation, we've been meeting with bishops, Catholic school superintendents and principals to explain concerns about Common Core. And this week, The Cardinal Newman Society also presented our annual meeting of presidents from faithful Catholic colleges—truly admirable men and women!

Like I said… it was an amazing week. May God bless you for making this all-important work possible through your prayers and support.

Yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly

P.S.: Please remember: If you want to order a copy of The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College with guaranteed delivery by Thanksgiving, you have to place your order by this Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013!

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