
Monday, December 23, 2013

Lindsey Graham Supporter Mike Huckabee Defends Phil Robertson and is "Interested" in a 2016 Presidential Run

According to a story in The Christian Post, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has defended "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, while also revealing that he is considering another run for the presidency in 2016.

It is good that Governor Huckabee is not bowed by an intolerant, anti-Christian agenda and speech code.  We also respect Governor Huckabee's right to speak out on behalf of any candidates that he chooses to endorse.  However, despite our past support for Governor Huckabee, we will not be supporting him in the future because he has foolishly and unnecessarily chosen to intervene in the South Carolina GOP Primary for the United States Senate.  Huckabee is currently featured in radio spots being run throughout South Carolina touting the "conservative" Lindsey Graham (a symptom of Graham's multiple personality disorder that manifests itself every six years).

As we have said many times, Lindsey Graham does not represent the people of South Carolina; he has been a far better ally of Barack Hussein Obama.  His votes on major issues routinely cancel-out the votes of South Carolina's conservative United States Senator, and his ideas about America's role in the world, our Constitution and its defense of God-given rights are anathema to most Republicans.  He believes in a tyrannical, big, interventionist government and has played a key role in transforming a conservative Supreme Court into one that has upheld Obamacare.

At least four conservatives will challenge Lindsey Graham in next year's GOP primary.  We  think Bill Connor is the very best of these choices, but any one of them would be far superior to Lindsey Graham.  In fact, we expect a runoff and seriously doubt that Lindsey Graham will be in that runoff.

Mike Huckabee has shown disregard for the political future of our state and country and contempt for the conservative movement with his endorsement of Lindsey Graham.

Riding the wave of a national backlash over the persecution of Phil Robertson is too little, too late, Governor.  We know Lindsey Graham very well here in South Carolina; it is you, Governor, we apparently misjudged.


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