
Monday, March 31, 2014

Yet Another Scandal Confronts America's Bishop of Bling; Myers Operates a For-Profit Business Without Paying Any Taxes

Darkness and Light: Newark Archbishops John J. Myers and Bernard Hebda

The Star-Ledger, which should receive a Papal medal for all the filth and corruption they have revealed in the Newark Archdiocese and on the part of its scandal-prone Archbishop, John J. Myers, reports that the Archdiocese has been operating a for-profit headstone and mausoleum business for 8 years without ever paying any state taxes 

Myers' foray into the tax-free, for profit business world has threatened family owned businesses that have operated for decades.

Apparently, Myers does the for-profit thing far more skillfully than the non-profit.  He has closed 82 of the Archdiocese's schools and scores of parishes due to lack of funding, while building himself a country manor house replete with hot tubs, indoor and outdoor pools, elevators and multiple fireplaces.  When his spokesman (Myers doesn't speak with the media or the little people) is asked about the massive shutdown of schools and parishes, one is told that it is necessitated by "changing demographics."  What that frequently repeated euphemism means is that hundreds of thousands of souls, who were baptized in the faith and raised in Catholic homes and schools, no longer practice their faith because they are repulsed by one of the state's most notorious crime bosses, John J. Myers.

Having lived in the Newark Archdiocese for 10 years, your editor can attest to the truth "that where sin abounded, grace did more abound."  The Archdiocese has many, very holy, Christ-like priests who labor tirelessly in evangelizing and building the Kingdom of God.  There are also many groups and saintly individuals who persevere in their faith despite the corruption and often persecution by the one who should be their teacher, shepherd and sanctifier.  

If our Holy Father means what he says, it is time the Church in Newark had a leader worthy of her people and her founder.  Co-adjutor Archbishop Bernard Hebda is in place and ready to begin the rebuilding.

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