
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Downturn in Maple Syrup Market Saps New England Economy with Deadly Consequences

The once profitable crop leaves region devastated

Maple-syrup maker Ryan Tilley -- photoMaple-syrup maker Ryan Tilley braves a forest aflame with exploded maple to tap his trees. A downturn in the maple syrup market is having harmful side effects for untapped trees throughout New England and deadly consequences for families living in close proximity to the once profitable but now neglected  and dangerous trees.

The New England Governors' Association has called on President Obama to declare a state of emergency in New England, while asking for FEMA's assistance in transporting thousands of low-wage, undocumented workers to the region to help with a growing backlog of untapped and potentially deadly maple trees.  The President is today expected to declare a state of emergency in the six northeastern states as soon as he returns from a morning round of golf at the Royal Hawaiian Country Club in Kailua.

Listen to the full and tragic story at National Public Radio >>

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