
Monday, January 19, 2015

Lindsey Graham for President?

Is there a member of the United States Senate who doesn't look in the mirror in the morning and see a future President of the United States?  The most laughable of the egotistically deluded must surely be our own Lindsey Graham.  He wants to determine if there is a "viable path" to the nomination.

While the presidential standard has been seriously lowered in recent years, surely it is not this low.  We'd like to suggest to the traitorous RINO that he look to the party and those voters who secure his election in South Carolina - the Democrats.  But even they are likely to suggest that he go to the back of the line.  Or maybe he can have his friends Mike Huckabee and John McCain cut some ads telling us what a conservative he is.  

It will be fun watching Republicans, all over America, handing him his big head.

Sen. Lindsey Graham sets up committee to explore 2016 presidential bid



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