
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Emerges As The Republican Candidate To Fear Most

An interesting look at the GOP field from a Democrat's perspective.  Please join the grassroots movement in support of this new leader and "Like" our grassroots Scott Walker page:
The Iowa Freedom Summit marked the de facto start of the 2016 GOP presidential primaries. Some big names contenders were conspicuous by their absence, including Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, and Rand Paul. However, around ten prominent potential Republican presidential candidates attended the event. While the weekend will probably best be remembered for Sarah Palin’s incomprehensibly bizarre 35-minute rambling spiel, the most consequential speech of the weekend may have been Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s address to the crowd.

Scott Walker is a candidate the Democrats need to be concerned about. While hard-line conservatives may be drawn to right-wing firebrands like Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin, they are not viable candidates. Walker, on the other hand, has already proven his mettle, time and again, as a gubernatorial candidate in Wisconsin, a Midwest swing state. Walker’s policies are every bit as right wing as those proposed by the likes of Cruz and Palin. The problem for Democrats, however, is that unlike those carnival barkers, Walker cannot be easily dismissed. He doesn’t just talk about right-wing ideas, he enacts them. This makes him a dangerous candidate, rather than just an ideologically driven circus sideshow, like many of his competitors.

Read more at Politicususa >> 

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