
Monday, February 23, 2015

Cardinal Dolan, Please Stop the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Scandal!

Update Feb. 18, 2015: LifeSiteNews has learned that an application by a pro-life group to also march in the parade has been rejected. Read that story here.


On September 3, 2014, the organizers of the New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade announced that, for this first time in the parade’s lengthy history, a gay activist group will be permitted to march in the 2015 parade under their own banner.

Previous attempts to allow such a gay activist group to march in past years had been thwarted by organizers, and the strong opposition of the late Cardinal John J. O’Connor.

Catholics quickly responded to the about-face, condemning the attempt to impose the homosexualist agenda on a parade intended to honor a beloved Catholic saint. Many called for Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who as the Archbishop of New York traditionally serves as the grand marshall of the parade, to oppose the decision, and, if necessary, to step down as marshall.

However, to the surprise of many, Cardinal Dolan expressed his support for the organizers’ decision. “I have no trouble with the decision at all,” Cardinal Dolan said at an evening news conference announcing his appointment as grand marshal. “I think the decision is a wise one.”

After receiving numerous complaints from Catholics, Cardinal Dolan doubled down, arguing in an article that OUT@NBCUniversal, "is not promoting an agenda contrary to Church teaching, but simply identifying themselves as 'Gay people of Irish ancestry.'"

However, the group is, in fact, involved in a variety of initiatives that legitimize the homosexual lifestyle, including: “celebrating” Harvey Milk, a famously homosexual politician who biographers say enjoyed sexual relationships with underage boys; advocating homosexual “marriage” and anti-Christian “non-discrimination” legislation; and participating in “pride” parades.

With the parade not taking place until March 17, there is still time for organizers to change their minds, and for Cardinal Dolan to step up and defend the St. Patrick’s Parade. Please sign this petition to Cardinal Dolan, and share it with your family and friends.

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