
Monday, April 20, 2015

Catholic Relief Services Vice-President is in a Gay ‘Marriage’, Promotes Gay Agenda

A vice president for Catholic Relief Services is legally married to his homosexual partner—and everyone knows it.

This shocking expose of the bishops' national charity arm is a tragic reminder to all Catholics to avoid all instruments of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The staff of that organization has been thoroughly infiltrated by heterodox enemies of the Catholic Church and the fruit of its work is rotten to the core.
Catholic Relief Sodomite Rick Estridge
Church Militant has learned that an open homosexual is one of the TOP employees at Catholic Relief Services—and he's married to his longtime male partner.

Rick Estridge is Vice­ President of Overseas Finance at Catholic Relief Services, the United States Bishops' beleaguered anti­-poverty program. And according to official marriage records, he is also civilly married to his long-time gay partner William Daniel Goretsas, Jr.

Their wedding license is dated April 4, 2013, issued by the city of Baltimore over two years ago and during the same year Maryland legalized sodomite marriage.

Read more at Church Militant >>

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