
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Poland's Newly Elected President Saves Blessed Sacrament from Desecration

(translated from Polish)

On the National Thanksgiving Day, which was established in late 18th Century to commemorate Poland's patriotic struggle for independence, thousands of the inhabitants of Warsaw took part in an annual open-air Holy Mass, also massively attended by top state officials with the President-Elect Andrzej Sebastian Duda in person. 

During the Holy Communion a sudden gust of wind blew off one of the consecrated Hosts from the chalice that was held by a priest giving the Corpus Christi to the gathered believers. Unseen by any of the participants, a small Host dropped on the ground and then driven by the wind rolled along the pavement for a several meters before It finally stopped in front of the kneeling and praying newly elected President Andrzej Duda. Having spotted the Holy Host rolling on the ground,  the President spontaneously rushed to catch It with his hands and then strode up to the altar where he handed It over to the Cardinal Nycz, who was celebrating the Mass.

This unprecedented event was caught by the camera eye and could be observed on TV screens by millions of Poles all across the country.

Niech Bóg błogosławi prezydenta Wybierz Duda.

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