
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Saving Civilization: The Story of St. Benedict of Nursia

This is the amazing story of a young man scandalized by the moral decay of the world, who sought to live as a hermit in cave. Yet, God called him not to run away from the world, but to convert it through a renewal of faith, holiness, learning, and liturgy. 

This lecture was presented by Rev. Andrew Fisher on June 14, 2014, in a series of talks sponsored by the Institute of Catholic Culture at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Purcellville, Virginia.

The Institute of Catholic Culture is an adult catechetical organization, faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and dedicated to the Church’s call for a new evangelization. The Institute seeks to fulfill its mission by offering education programs structured upon the classical liberal arts and by offering opportunities in which authentic Catholic culture is experienced and lived.

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