
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Benedict XVI Celebrates Mass with Former Students

Benedict XVI (CNS)
Benedict XVI focused his homily on the importance of finding 'truth, love and goodness' in God

Celebrating Mass with his former doctoral students and a new generation of scholars of his work, Benedict XVI focused his homily on the importance of finding “truth, love and goodness” in God.

Now 88, Benedict has met annually since the 1970s with what is known as the “Ratzinger Schulerkreis” (Ratzinger Student Circle), which is made up of bishops and scholars who earned their doctorates under him in Germany.

The schulerkreis gathers for a week of theological discussions; the topic this year was “How to speak about God today” and was by Mgr Tomas Halik, a Czech theologian and winner of the 2014 Templeton Prize.

Read more at Catholic Herald >> 

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