
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Philadelphia Hotels Slashing Prices for Pope's Visit

This is what happens when you visit a country and refuse to speak the native language; you attack the economic system as "unfettered capitalism," a system that has given the broadest numbers the highest standard of living in the world; you encourage disregard for your host country's sovereignty, laws and borders; you foment controversy and division over the immutable doctrines of your Church; you endorse the "sustainable development goals" of the Marxist UN that call for decimating the world's population; you embrace the junk science of radical leftists and charlatans who seek power and money; and the followers of your Church begin to see you as lacking all authority because you, like the President you have come to embrace, are an enemy of that which you purport to lead.

Philadelphia hotels slashing prices for pope's visit

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Philadelphia's hotel industry said Friday there's still plenty of room at the inn for Pope Francis' visit this month.

About 3,000 of the 11,200 rooms in the city's downtown were still available two weeks away from the pontiff's Sept. 26 arrival, said Ed Grose, executive director of the Greater Philadelphia Hotel Association.

Hotels were slashing rates, skipping minimum stay requirements and tossing in extras like subway tokens and bags full of Philadelphia-centric snacks to lure guests for the two-day visit.

Read more at The Philadelphia Inquirer >> 

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