
Monday, September 7, 2015

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo - 2015

From the unique setting of the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle, the 2015 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, with the Massed Bands of the RAF and the Queen's Colour Squadron taking centre stage.

East meets west at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, with the east represented by a Bollywood dance extravaganza, the Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China and the Changxing Lotus Dragon Dance Folklore Group.

From the west, the UK home team are joined by Charleston, South Carolina's own Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes and the United States Air Force Honor Guard, based in Washington DC.

Other highlights include a spectacular display from the Tattoo Highland dancers, precision percussion from Basel's Top Secret Drum Corps and the unforgettable sight and sound of the Massed Pipes and Drums.

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