
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lindsey Graham -- Working to Bring Third World Terrorists to America

Senators Graham and Leahy
South Carolina's delusional presidential candidate, Lindsey Graham, is working hard, across the aisle, to earn his 0% support in presidential preference polls.  He has now joined Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) in introducing the Middle East Refugee Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (S-2145), which will provide $1 billion in funding to resettle refugees in the United States.  The legislation could resettle as many as 100,000 refugees over two years, compared with the Obama administration's plan to resettle a mere 10,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 16 and 25,000 in Fiscal Year 17.

Graham's latest treasonous act comes after FBI leaders stated in Senate hearings earlier this year that massive resettlement of refugees in the United States poses national security concerns and that the Bureau has no system to determine which refugees pose a threat to the United States.  The new refugees would also pose a massive chain migration nightmare.

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