
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Donald Trump’s Surprise Support from Catholics

There are some new faith findings of note: Republican front-runner Donald Trump has more support from GOP Catholic voters than their Protestant brethren. According to a review of three Monmouth University surveys, Mr. Trump pulled 44 percent support in Iowa from Catholic caucusgoers compared to 24 percent from Protestants. The candidate garnered 30 percent of the Catholic vote and 26 percent of the Protestant vote in New Hampshire. In South Carolina he currently holds 42 percent of the Catholic vote compared with 32 percent of the Protestant vote.

And one more thing, says the exacting Patrick Murray, director of polling on the Monmouth campus, and the man who pored over all the numbers.

“A whopping 76 percent of Catholic Republicans said they favored building a wall across the Mexican border and 61 percent specifically said they approved of Trump’s immigration plan,” Mr. Murray noted in an analysis compiled for the New York Daily News.

Read more at The Washington Times >>

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