
Monday, July 4, 2016

Nigel Farage Has Earned His Place In History As The Man Who Led Britain Out Of The EU

Nigel Farage has persuaded Britain to vote to leave the European Union. Mission accomplished for the Ukip chief, so it's little surprise that he has felt able to ride off into the sunset, announcing his resignation today by declaring: ""I want my life back".

The Ukip leader said he had "couldn't possibly achieve more", having presided over the biggest political upheaval in modern British history - which would certainly not have happened without him.

For years, the Establishment mocked and ignored the Ukip leader, but he is the man who put Britain's withdrawal from the EU on the agenda. His  party, once dismissed by Michael Howard as a collection of "cranks and political gadflies", forced the Prime Minister to call the referendum.

And when the referendum came, David Cameron told us we had a choice between his Britain and Nigel Farage's. Britain chose Mr Farage's vision.

Read more at The Telegraph >> 


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