
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Bishop Schneider: “Convert” or “Renounce the Papacy”

Last week, the blogsites Adelante la Fe and Rorate Caeli posted an interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider that, thanks to the wide coverage it received, is likely already familiar to most of our readers.

Much indeed has been written about the many good things that His Excellency had to say.

In this post, however, I’d like to focus on what Bishop Schneider strongly implied – the way in which churchmen commonly offer public criticism of their confreres.

In the present case, the “target” is no less than His Humbleness, Francis.

Take a look at the following excerpt taken from the interview (~2 minutes in length). It includes part of Bishop Schneider’s response to a question about the proper Catholic approach to Francis. In other words, while he may seem to be speaking in general terms; he is not.

Read more at akaCatholic >>

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