
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Profile: Pro-life Catholic Andrew Scheer Elected Canadian Conservative Leader

Andrew Scheer, newly elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (Getty images) 

Scheer describes himself as pro-life and says he will allow backbench MPs to bring forward legislation on the issue

The Conservative Party of Canada has elected a self-described pro-life Catholic as its leader to take on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the next election.

Andrew Scheer narrowly won the leadership with 51 per cent of the vote on the final ballot, defeating Maxime Bernier.

Earlier this month, he sent a message the Canadian March for Life, saying: “As someone who is pro-life, I thank each and every one of you for being here today at the seat of our government to make your views known.

“Where Justin Trudeau believes that in order to stand as a Liberal candidate you must be pro-choice, I am proud to be running for leader of the Conservative Party to become a prime minister under whom all conservatives would be welcome in my caucus.”

Read more at Catholic Herald >>

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