
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Urge Catholic School NOT to Fire Catholic Teacher for Quoting Saint John Bosco on Islam

The Catholic schools superintendent for the Diocese of Orlando has reprimanded and threatened to fire a popular sixth-grade teacher for quoting Saint John Bosco on the deadly cult of Islam.

I have sent the schools superintendent the following message.  
I have signed the petition that has nearly 15,000 signatures on it protesting your censure of a truthful exposition of the cult of Islam, but as a Catholic, I want to personally tell you how disgusted I am. Are you so beholden to the politically correct that the truth and words of Catholic saints must be censured? You won't be forming Catholics zealous to live their faith, much less become saints, with a Catholic-lite curriculum. Your attitude is why so many orthodox Catholic parents choose to homeschool rather than corrupt their children with a faux Catholic education. Is it any wonder so many young Catholics have fallen away from the faith? You have no business running a Catholic school system. Please step aside and let someone who believes what the saints, Church doctors, martyrs and Popes have taught take on the responsibility of forming young Catholics. 
 Please join me and send your own message and by all means, sign a petition in defense of this teacher who was speaking the truth in the words of a Catholic saint.

You can call or E-mail the superintendent:

Mr. Henry Fortier
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Diocese of Orlando
Phone: 407-246-4905

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