
Saturday, February 24, 2018

A Youthful and Ancient Spark of Faith in Europe

I have always found the idea of a real walking spiritual pilgrimage very appealing and am determined to join one of these while I am still able.  In the above video, Canon Montjean discusses the upcoming 2018 Chartres Pilgrimage interspersed with clips from EWTN's documentary of the 2013 pilgrimage "In Search of Christendom - The Chartres Pilgrimage." This year Canon Montjean is leading groups from the Institute of Christ The King's churches at New Brighton, Preston and in Ireland. Should anyone wish to join them on 2018 Chartres Pilgrimage, please contact Canon at
For those who can't make the trek to Chartres, the concept of a walking spiritual pilgrimage has always been a vibrant part of Polish Catholic culture.  Polish-Americans undertake a grand pilgrimage here in the United States each year from Great Meadows, New Jersey to the American Czestochowa, Doylestown, Pennsylvania.  The next one is scheduled for August 9-12, 2018, with more information here.

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