
Monday, March 19, 2018

My Letter to the Bishop of Charleston

Today on the Feast of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, I sent the following letter to the Bishop of Charleston.  The linked "Open Appeal to the Catholic Bishops of the World" is self-explanatory and involves what I believe to be one of the greatest crises ever to confront Christendom.  I hope you will consider contacting your own bishop and forwarding this appeal.  Contact information for bishops is usually found on the diocesan website.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Your Excellency:

Catholic World Report has recently published "An Open Appeal to the Catholic Bishops of the World" which I would respectfully recommend to you.  It is an urgent appeal to avert a spiritual crisis which has been foisted on the Church by corruption and heresy emanating from the very top.  The letter contains four specific recommendations as to how our spiritual shepherds can preserve and promote the Christian deposit of faith.  I prayerfully hope that you will consider acting on these recommendations.

The heretical teachings being promoted under a "new paradigm" are as old as the devil who inspires them and we have already seen the ruin they have brought to the Anglican communion.  I assure you of my prayers and eagerness to help in any way you may see fit in preserving the teachings of our Church, handed down to us by the Apostles.

Very respectfully yours in Christ,

Daniel J. Cassidy
A parishioner of St. Peter's Church, Columbia

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