
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stunning Choral Music for the Season of Lent

0:00:00 | Gibbons - Drop, drop, slow tears  
0:01:21 | Pange lingua (Plainsong) 
0:04:36 | Allegri - Miserere mei, Deus 
0:15:51 | Lotti - Crucifixus 
0:19:12 | Psalm 130 (Out of the deep, Purcell) 
0:21:41 | Byrd - Ave verum  
0:26:12 | Walton - A litany  
0:29:34 | JC Bach - Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben 
0:36:23 | Byrd - Ne irascaris Domine  
0:40:03 | Byrd - Civitas sancti tui  
0:44:12 | Tallis - In manus tuas 
0:46:22 | Weelkes - Hosanna To The Son Of David 
0:48:06 | Pergolesi - Stabat Mater Tippett - Five Spirituals 
0:51:57 | 1. Steal away  
0:54:43 | 3. Go down, Moses 
0:57:25 | 5. Deep river  
1:00:49 | Byrd - Mass for Four Voices (Agnus Dei) 
1:05:33 | Tavener - Song for Athene 
1:11:26 | Purcell - Thou knowest, Lord 
1:13:48 | Tallis - In Ieiunio Et Fletu  
1:18:47 | Gjeilo - Ubi caritas 
1:22:48 | Victoria - Jesu Dulcis Memoria Bruckner - Motets  
1:24:39 | Christus factus est 
1:30:15 | Pange lingua  
1:34:40 | Vexilla Regis 
1:38:58 | Pärt - The Woman with the Alabaster Box  
1:44:45 | Ešenvalds - O salutaris Hostia  
1:47:57 | Tallis - O sacrum convivium 
1:51:52 | Messiaen - O sacrum convivium  
1:56:13 | Durufle - Ubi Caritas  
1:58:41 | Sanders - The Reproaches  
2:07:54 | Attwood - Turn thy face from my sins 
2:11:23 | Tallis - Salvator mundi  
2:13:57 | Farrant - Call to remembrance  
2:15:49 | Hilton - Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake 
2:17:59 | Purcell - Hear my prayer, O Lord  
2:20:17 | Wesley - Cast me not away  
2:25:24 | Wesley - Wash me throughly 
2:30:19 | Leighton - Drop, drop, slow tears 
2:33:15 | Ouseley - O Saviour of the world  
2:35:59 | Tallis - Lamentations  
2:43:27 | Purcell - Remember not, Lord 
2:46:16 | Ireland - Greater love  
2:51:26 | Tallis - If ye love me 
2:53:33 | Britten - Corpus Christi Carol  
2:56:32 | Nystedt - Immortal Bach 
3:01:51 | Tchaikovsky arr Lubbock - The Crown of Roses (Legend)  
3:04:33 | Wood - Oculi omnium 
3:06:06 | Gesualdo - Gesualdo - O vos omnes 
3:09:57 | Mealor - Drop, drop, slow tears 
3:13:30 | Macmillan - Domine non secundum peccata  
3:22:32 | Macmillan - Miserere 

Artists: Westminster Abbey Tenebrae Trinity College, Cambridge Byrd Ensemble Monteverdi Choir Genesis Sixteen St Martin's-In-The-Fields WMU Choirs Ensemble Vocal Aedes Truro Cathedral Ely Cathedral Magdalen College, Oxford The Evans Choir Ensemble ZENE St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh Queen's Six Temple Church King's Singers Apollo5 Antioch Chamber Ensemble Sofia Vokalensemble 

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