
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Britain’s Great Rosary Revival

On Sunday April 29, more than 10,000 Catholics will gather around Britain's coast to say the rosary

The total currently stands at 247, but every few hours it increases. By next week, as many as 300 locations could be preparing to host the Rosary on the Coast, which takes place on Sunday April 29. At 2.30pm, Catholics will gather at St Ninian’s Isle in the Shetlands, at Hugh Town on the Isles of Scilly, and all around the coast of England, Scotland and Wales to say the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, along with a selection of prayers and hymns.

“New locations are coming thick and fast every day,” says one of the organisers, John Mallon, who adds that they have been “very strict” about what they put on the map, so there will probably be many more groups. Some sites have 20 attending; some over 100. The minimum overall attendance is estimated at 10,000, “but that’s very, very conservative,” Mr Mallon says.

Read more at Catholic Herald >>


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